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I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

Monday, April 26, 2010

ok, Can't walk -_-

Ok, I just tried walking and can't walk on BOTH feet only one-_- btw we are leaving because be and lucy just need a break from the blog. We might come back, we might not.

This is from Lucy :)

I just wanted to say that we will all probably go on a vacation. Since fairy in MIA and me and Abby ( Cheerleader2648 ) are really busy, so we will probably take a 2 month break or something. This doesn't mean we will be " not posting " on the blog. We just won't post as often. If you do want to hear me more, then just visit my blog : LucyPlease. We will miss you guys so much!

PS. Fairy Is no longer with us on the blog, she has not posted in the past few months, so she is no longer here:(

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hello, on Wednesday it will be 1 YEAR!!! Since my medoll cheerleader2648 had been on stardoll:)
and also if you are concerned about my medoll over there > she is okay, you have to go to my suite to see the WHOLE finished product it is for a comp:)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


1. Whats you name?
2. stardoll name?
3. How long have you been on stardoll?
4. How old are you?
5. Have you ever owned a blog?
6. Do you have experence with Blogger?
5. Why do you want to be a write for STS?
6. Write a paragraph, it can be about anything. But I mostly want to see about you.:)
Now that is what you use to sign up to be a writer. Leave Application in the comments.


Hey today is Earth day in the United States I am not sure around the world but I have pictures:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Should I stay or Leave poll

after I done some serious thinking, I had to do a poll this is for me(Cheerleader2648)
Now if I leave I might be back in the summer IDK yet.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Writer

okay, I am accepting applications for the new writer contest because Fairy has not done a post in a while. So we need a new writer. The details are below I think.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big brother stardoll!

Okay I just have to post this. There is going to be a Big Brother Stardoll:

BBS It consists of giving FAME to 18 people, to Gossip about them, to learn more about them and to find the Most Loved by the audience.
This Competition will have a Task every Monday and Thursday. Each week there will be 2 Tasks. The 18 Contestants will be voted from 0 to 10 from the 5 Judges. Also each contestant must nominate a Person they want to be eliminated. Then 3 people with Less Votes from the Tasks and 1 with Most Votes nominated by the other Contestants will go on a poll for 7 Days.
Every Saturday there will be an Online Chat at Tinychat.com. I (Miss_LolitaF) will be creating a Chat Page and leave Link before it starts; there we will announce the Eliminated Contestant since the Poll will be Private. But that is not all, more surprises for the other Contestants too.
This will not just be to see how they can be in or not, this will be about seeing how Good Models they can be, Are they good at making Sceneries, are they worthy of being in this Never Seen before Show?
This Show will go on for 10 Weeks. There will also be double Eliminations. Also The Winner will not will the Title of being the 1st Winner of Big Brother Stardoll but being in Lipstick Magazine Cover and 1000Stardollars. Every Task will be announced in the Blog and also our Sponsors will keep you updated.

Rules to enter the audition:
You have to follow: BigBrotherStardoll.blogspot.com
You must Join the Club: BBStardoll
You must have the good willing to be in it.
okay I am going to see if This blog can be a sponser because I have helped miss Loita in her tough times:)

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Ok, well Sometime in our lives we want to quite something or atleast start lowering your time on something takes basicly takes over your whole life. No, I am not quiting well I might.
The time I spend on the computer is WAY over. Once I come home I go to the computer, not homework.
I am going to be taking a break because I am missing time to go outside( I just did) and some of my favorite sports that I like to play are coming up. Plus State tests are coming up and I want to get my brain working again, from spending to much time on the computer. I spend so much time on the computer that I type so fast I misspell words( I just did) and my butt is starting to get fat.
So if I like my break, I will only post once in a while or quit all together.
I want to start working my brain again. I went from red cards( good cards) in 5th grade to white cards in 6th grade( the one I am in now) but my grades have gotten better I have 5 out of 8 A's on my recent report card, I finally feel confident. I do not know what had over come me from August to December. I think it was because I needed a boy in my life. I started getting better when I discovered Justin Bieber. and I got my now Ex Boyfriend Danny.
I am still going to play mystery games because I love mystery, I am starting to read books again, and the games I play on the computer from dics help me and my mom.
The only time I will be online is because I am checking blogs, stardoll, my myspace. my farmville, and my youtube. My goal is to reach about 3 to 4 hours on the computer a day, I know it is a hard task but I know I will get to it.

My break will start tomorrow, and end on friday, a whole week. I might post but not sure, maybe on my free time.

Now since I will be gone and we barley have any writers. I will be holding a writing contest.
The rules: you must be 12 or older
have experence with blogging.
and have a stardoll account.
NOW THE QUESTIONS!!!!( sorry I sound like a man on a game show lol)
1. Whats you name?
2. stardoll name?
3. How long have you been on stardoll?
4. How old are you?
5. Have you ever owned a blog?
6. Do you have experence with Blogger?
5. Why do you want to be a write for STS?
6. Write a paragraph, it can be about anything. But I mostly want to see about you.:)
Thank you-
Abby JC(the first letter of my middle and last name)
THE LAST DAY TO ENTER IS SATURDAY OR SUNDAY!!!( I am free on sunday but it might be late in the day when I check.
You sign up in the comments or guestbook( I am opening up for this purpose only)

Avon review

Ok, some of you are probaly thinking " why is she not posting about stardoll?"
Well I want to mix the club up a bit and plus when stardoll is boring( like now) me and Lucy will do some fun things:).
Ok, I wil divide the review into 4 parts: Lotion/body wash, clothing, Jewelry, Makeup .:)

Skin so soft body wash: Ok I just LOVE this product, when I was itching really bad it healed my skin and also I stopped itching.
Pro: You won't itch
Con: um somtimes they don't come in big bottles.
( I do not know about the lotion, we have it but I have not used it yet)
Avon Naturals: I love these products they smell so good!
Pro: Smell good and plus you can hang them up
Con: Make you itch:( ( but depends on your skin, I use lotion afterward)
The hand lotion that comes in the bottles:
I love them they come in a variety or smells. I have sweet honesty and also one in a green then another one in Purple containers.
Con: No con:)
Mickey Shoes with heel: I just LOVE these shoes they even have a little mickey head on the shoes:)
Pro: So cute
Con: if you wear a six wait until you can wear a 7 because they are large in there sizes( I wear 6, I can not wear my 6 mickey shoes:( )
Key to heart:
I love this necklace I am wearing it right now, and people are coming up to me and saying they LOVE it.
Pro: They come in gold and silver, and great for any thing. Friend ship keys or for you and your mom
Con: um no con, but my mom said they look cheap in the book, but in real life FABULOUS!
Little star: I liked this in the book and thought it was perfect for the light a little star. Plus I got it on sale, 2 for $20
Pro: So cute
Con: um they are really really small and only come in silver
Star bunch:I LOVED this, I thought it looked like a rock star necklace
Pro: SO CUTE, and they have diamond
Con: only come in silver.
This is going to be really long
3 in 1 mascara: I love it so cool, you have soft, alot, volumeized( lets say little, little more, alot)
Pro: 3 in 1:)
Con: when you pull it up you get a little clump of mascara at the end

Eye Liner: I like it, but be careful.
pro: come in a variety of colors
con: um how do you apply it?
Well that is it hope you liked my review

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay if you have heard or use Avon, tell me in comments. because my mom helps sell for them, and I was thinking I could do a review on the products I or my mom gets:)
btw Key to heart necklace, I LOVE IT, I have silver my mom has gold, wearing it right now:)

Monday, April 12, 2010

New playlist

I added a new playlist the old one was about 4 months old and plus I changed a little in my music, I added some songs that me and Lucy would both like. They are mostly upbeat. Just scroll through I
have about 45 songs on it. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!
O btw youtube is going under maintenance so some songs might not play. Sorry

New Endangered Animal!

Yep Finally the animal has come out it is a Okapi.

Btw I am going to be posting the Kohl's haul today:) I was doing it this morning but then I had to go to school.

Kohl's and Justice Haul

Ok I finally have it the Kohl's and Justice haul after a week and 3 days?

opps wrong pic, btw that's my baby Cousin
This is one of my swimsuit tops, I just LOVE this one.
These are the bottoms.

A bikini top:)

This is a top

These are the bottoms that go with the bikini top and the top above:)

These are shorts, for anything. they say soccer in the pink.

These are shorts, Cheerleading, the reason I got shorts is because of Baton camp coming up at the end of June beginning of July:)( I wont be here for about 4 to 5 days, unless I get a phone, or Ipod touch:)

I am wearing the socks I have more like ones that are neon with stars( I am curently wearing them) and one with strips, but these are my favorite pair. The purple is my friendship anklet bracelet, my friend has a blue one.

That is the Kohl's haul, now for Justice!
Pajama Pants

Another Pair of Pajama pants

This is the top to go with the blue shorts:)
Neon Bikini Top:)

These are the bottoms.

but I have never been to one of his concerts:(
A webkinz Elephant, I collect Webkinz, I have been since I was 9 or 10
A webkinz Beagle

A webkinz Kangaroo
Okay that's it, I am going to put a add at the bottom of the page for Daisy Rock Guitars, I am putting it down there because they have great guitars for girls of all ages. And plus I LOVE music, so yah:)
-A.J, Abby( same person just different names, cheerleader2648)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sparkle award winners

Hey sorry headache, and doing homework, keeping typing things wrong.....
Anyway the Sparkle awards were today and to see the winners go HERE!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Free Bag and T shirt

1. type in goproxing.com or slygeek.com
2. type in Stardoll.com and go
3. Log in
4. Then go copy and past this http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=306
5. search or GO
6. Enter competition
TO GET THE BAG IN STEAD OF http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=306


Okay, has anybody ever heard of some people getting hacked latley( even yourself)
Well, some stardollians have access to ANY account yes ANY, because they have a hack code that they can just look you up and get your password and hack your account, THAT EASY!
So for non ss and ss, lock yout guestbook, and lock your rooms that have rares or LE or anything important. Also don't put anything about rares or anything important in you Presentation:)
I do not know about non SS, but do what you can:)
I got this story from the Star Dose.


OKAY I know this is not stardoll related, but I want to post it. Okay, I want my dad to get a house in the florida keys or in fort lauderdale, because he goes down there for diving and everything. So I was thinking he could buy a house down there for scuba diving and Vacation. I want my dad to get a house in the keys and I want YOU to pick out the best one:)
Yes, I know they are pricy but thats the keys for you.
I have the link for the house, Sorry I could not copy and paste pictures wont let me.
btw this is what we want,
Ocean front with access to beach,
washer and dryer,
2 to 3 bedroom or more,
and 3 or more bedrooms,
House 1: HERE
House 2: HERE
House 3: HERE
House 4: HERE
House 5: HERE
House 6: HERE
House 7: HERE
House 8: HERE
House 9: HERE
House 10: HERE
House 1:HERE ( I LOVE this house)
House 2: HERE
Sorry I only wanted to do 2 for Lauderdales( there were so many other houses.
Vote in comments

Stiletto Magazine Cover!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been so busy! Anyway, here is the cover of " Stiletto " magazine. It does remind me of the Fierce spoiler ( when the girl was underwater or something like that.)
But other than that, I really love it!

BTW To go to it go HERE !
updated by Cheerleader2648 at 2:10pm EST

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok, when I spent 15sd in the suite shop, I got a pink round hover chair, if you look in my suite I got it, I was like YES!!!! It goes right with the theme in my suite lol.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lipstick Mag!

Lipstick Magazine is released:)


There is a new startpage, I discovered it when I logged out of my account.

Kohls haul

Okay, I will take my pictures and post them soon, like today hopefully, I was so busy making a movie, I forgot.
BTW, the movie is on youtube I have a total of 5 or 4 episodes go HERE to see the character introduction and go HERE to see the 1st episode.
-Abby( or cheerleder2648)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I was going through the popular section in starplaza and I created a cute outfit for 15 SD's, this means you get a outfit and gift:)

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!!!!!
I would have a egg hunt but, I don't have enough things in my suite:)

RUNWAY, released

Runway is released and I love it:)
Go HERE to see it:)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Hey guys, nothing new on stardoll...
I will do comps and all that when I turn Superstar:)
which will be, IDK when.
I would of been a SS yesterday but my mom did not go to target, we went to Best Buy, they did not have it....
Any way, how is your spring break going( if you are on it)? Having a good Easter weekend?
I might post pictures from my shopping trip yesterday.
When I stepped out of Kohls I was like to mom, we should have stayed at home and break out the slipping slid because it was REALLY HOT!lol.
I might also do a little" about me" thing. I am also going to add a new page. The history about this blog.:D

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hey guys, I would of posted earlier but I was Shopping:D
This one is for Runway:D

and this one is for Lipstick Magazine:D
I also have a announcement, okay this blog is a unique and talented blog, and WE NEED TO GET IT OUT THERE! We need more people to read this blog. If you read this blog, tell your friends, and also tell other blog writers to:)
Because do you know who is writing 2, 12 year olds ya 12:) and look at what we can do:)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fools DAY!!!!!

Here in the USA we have a April Fools day, it is a day where you prank every body or have every thing twisted around. Time for pics lol:

Some jokes( got them off a website)
If your milk comes in a cardboard container, add a few drops of food coloring. It's harmless April Fool's joke but the results are pretty colorful.( ASK YOUR PARENTS BEFORE DOING THIS) you can prank your friends and family ( minus your mom or dad)

TIP i have done this to myself, and it is funny!!!
Grab a bunch of alarm clocks, set them to alarm at very early times in the morning and hide them all around different places at your victim's room!( I had two alarm clocks go off at the same time and scared me half to death!)
Those are the ones I am posting for now.


Okay the next outfit for Harajuku is out :) I like it go HERE to get it.(make sure you are logged into stardoll.:)

New dress!

There is a new stardesign dress for 10sd:)
But it is for SS:(
Any way here is the dress: